
Definitions of goal conditions. Currently, we support waypoint conditions.



The waypoint tensor can contain M waypoints

Module Contents

class torchdrivesim.goals.WaypointGoal(waypoints: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor | None = None)[source]

The waypoint tensor can contain M waypoints for each collection of N waypoints that progressively get enabled. The provided mask should indicated which waypoints are padding elements. A waypoint is marked as succesful when the agent state reaches the center of the waypoint within some distance.

  • waypoints – a BxAxNxMx2 tensor of waypoint [x, y]

  • mask – a BxAxNxM boolean tensor indicating whether a given waypoint element is present and not a padding.

mask = None[source]
_default_mask() torch.Tensor[source]
_default_state() torch.Tensor[source]

Returns the waypoint mask according to the current state value.


Returns the waypoints according to the current state value.


Duplicates this object, allowing for independent subsequent execution.

to(device: torch.device)[source]

Modifies the object in-place, putting all tensors on the device provided.

extend(n: int, in_place: bool = True)[source]

Multiplies the first batch dimension by the given number. This is equivalent to introducing extra batch dimension on the right and then flattening.

select_batch_elements(idx: torch.Tensor, in_place: bool = True)[source]

Picks selected elements of the batch. The input is a tensor of indices into the batch dimension.

step(agent_states: torch.Tensor, time: int = 0, threshold: float = 2.0) None[source]

Advances the state of the waypoints.

_update_mask(state, mask, new_mask)[source]

Helper function to update the global masks on the current state with the new_mask values.

  • state – BxAx1 int tensor

  • mask – BxAxNxM boolean tensor

  • new_mask – BxAxM boolean tensor


BxAxNxM boolean tensor updated with the new_mask values

_advance_state(state, agent_overlap)[source]

Helper function to advance the state when agents overlap with waypoints.

  • state – BxAx1 int tensor

  • agent_overlap – BxAxM boolean tensor


BxAxM boolean tensor indicating the state of the waypoints

_agent_waypoint_overlap(agent_states: torch.Tensor, waypoints: torch.Tensor, threshold=2.0) torch.Tensor[source]

Helper function to detect if agent states overlap with the current waypoints.

  • agent_states – BxAx2 tensor of agents states - x,y

  • waypoints – BxAxMx2 tensor of waypoint


BxAxM boolean tensor indicating which agents overlap with the waypoints